Friday, 18 May 2012

Api Happy

We all woke up late. The cats broke into our room at 2 in the morning, mewing and malting. We removed them and went straight back to bed, thinking we´d get another 5 hours sleep. 7 hours later, it was time for our first language lesson and we had less than 5 minutes to get ready and arrive. They made us take a test straight away and I felt like I was back in school again.

Naomi and Toni told me to hurry up with my essay because we were all starving so we went to El Prado and wolfed down some quesadillas. We were in a rush, but we were distracted by the student protest outside the main square. The police were lined up with shields and guns and were firing tear gas. Later on TV in the cafe, we heard that a journalist had been killed during the strike. No pictures I´m afraid; it wasn´t worth it.

We had a bit of time to waste before proofreading so we went in search of ´Api´, the notorious sweet drink made with ground corn. It was cheap, sweet and filling. Naomi had api mixto
 (half yellow, half purple with a hint of lemon) and I had api morado (purple). We were too full to eat much at the Thai restaurant later, which was a good job because some of our flatmates got salmonella from the meat there.
On the way back from the restaurant, half the sole came off my pumps. I would spend the next two days searching for a replacement only to conclude that as a tall (compared to Bolivians) Westerner with proportionately large feet, I wasn´t going to be able to replace them here.

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