Monday, 30 September 2013

The Mexican Version of Crufts

Getting ready!

The Mexican version of Crufts is a lot noisier, more accessible and cheaper than the English one. It is also somewhat smellier, owing to the fact that spectators can bring their mutt along to watch.

The show took place in the Mexican World Trade Centre, located in the most un-Mexican district imaginable full of Italian and American street names..

Every reputable dog breeder made an appearance, business cards at the ready and presented their best puppy before the judges. I can’t remember exactly what they are judged on but it had something to do with the way they ran round in circles and made themselves dizzy. Here is the winner of the St Bernard competition.

Other competitions were more complex, involving agility tests like these:

Some dogs were pocket-sized, like this chihuahua.
Although the chihuahua is native to Mexico, they don't cope very well with the climate and they shiver all the time unless it's summer. I was cradling this one to try and warm it up.

Other dogs snuggled together in this lady's handbag.

The dogs were right to take cover. Going back to Ale's house later on, the road was practically a river.

When I arrived in Mexico, I joked that Mexicans didn't know what rain was but it turns out the opposite is true. I've never seen it rain so hard in my life and was astonished at how suddenly the level of water rose.

However, thanks to Ale's masterful driving, we made it home safely.

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